1. School uniform:
The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school functions. Students must come to school clean and tidy.
2. Punctuality and Attendance :
Students must be punctual for class on every working day. Late comers should get the permission of the Principal before entering the class. No student may absent himself / herself without obtaining leave previously. They should check and report through students Help Book.
3. Leave Letter Procedure:
A leave letter should be hand written by the student. In the case of 1st std to 2nd std, parents may assist the students with a model leave letter. No student will be allowed to enter the class room without leave letter signed by the parent and counter signed by Vice principal if it is one or two days and more than two, it should be counter signed by Principal. Leave letters shall be maintained by the respective class teachers.
A student absenting himself / herself from school for 5 days in succession without permission will be marked “LEFT”. He will not be readmitted as a matter of course. If he is to be readmitted he will have to pay a fresh admission fee of Rs. 1000/-
The Application for leave must be given in advance. When for unforeseen reasons, if one is absent, the application for leave should be submitted on the day of rejoining the School.
If leave is asked on account of illness for more than FIVE DAYS, A medical certificate must be attached to the application.
Attendance at official school functions like the Parents Day, Sports Day, Independence Day, Reopening Day etc., is compulsory Absentees may be (fined) Penalized.
A student absenting himself/herself without prior written permission from School Day and Parents’ Day Celebration, Annual sports Day, Reopening Day is liable to lose his/her place. If he/she is re-admitted, he/she will have to pay a fresh admission fee of Rs. 1000/-(with a fine of Rs. 25/- for each day of absence)
4. Home work / Hand writing:
Parents are expected to cooperate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline by taking a daily interest in the progress of their children. They should check and report through Student’s Profile and enforce hand writing daily and submit to the Drawing master for verification.
5. Mid Term Tests / Exams / Open Day:
Mid Term tests will be conducted in the months of July, November and February. Exams like Quarterly, Half Years and Annual exams will be conducted in the months of September, December and March. Once the results are made known through progress cards and website, the failures should necessarily bring their parents for the respective open days. Students who fail to turn up for open day with parents for any reason will be sent back home on the following working day. It is very important.
6. School Fees:
1. All fees should be paid before the reopening of the school. It is only Annual Fees and no other term or tuition fees.
2. Stationery will be issued only when both the fees are paid at the specified date.
3. A pupil joining or leaving school during the year would have to pay fees for the whole year.
4. Pupils who have not paid the feed will not be permitted to sit for the exams.
5. All fees are to be remitted into Canara Bank, Thalavadi under two Accounts namely, School Fee Account and Miscellaneous fee Account.
7. Promotions :
All matters regarding the promotion of the students are left to the discretion of the Principal whose decision will be final.
8. Student Responsibility :
Students are responsible for their own books, Pens, Tiffin carriers etc.,
Parents who seek some information or make some suggestions must approach the Principal.
The entrusting of a student to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and decisions of the school.
9. Discipline :
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, negligence of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff, or bad moral influence justify dismissal. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
10. Protection of School property :
It is forbidden to wire or scribble on the walls, desks, etc., throw paper or ink about the classroom, or in any way damage the school property. Damage done must be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal.
11. School Hand Book :
The School hand book is the record concerning the school and student. Therefore, every student must bring it to the school daily. If any one loses it, must apply for a new one and If the student fails to bring it to the school, he or she will be fined up to Rs. 25 a day.
12. Rule of Language :
a. The Medium of Instruction is English, which alone should be used at all time in the school premises.
b. The Second Language taught is Tamil, Kannada / Hindi.
c. Speaking in English is compulsory in the school, Defaulters will be penalized.
13. School Hours
08.30 am to 08.45 am … Reading Practice
08.50 am to 03.45 pm … School Hours
04.00 pm to 04.30 pm … Special Classes
04.30 pm to 05.30 pm … Sports Practice
Visiting Hours : Parents / Well Wishers
Forenoon : 09.30 am to 11.00 am
Afternoon : 02.30 pm to 04.00 pm
14. Concerning Defaulters :
The School accepts no responsibility if the student is obliged to return home during class hours, for not wearing the school uniform, for not bringing Handbook, books and note books to class, for not producing the signature of parents on remarks written by teachers or on the absence record in the calendar, for reason of indiscipline and for repeated late coming.
15. Examinations :
Students who absent themselves from examination without grave reasons will have to undergo re-exam. The marks obtained in the Midterm tests, Quarterly examination, Half yearly examination and Annual examinations will be considered for promotion.
Any student who indulges in malpractice in Tests and Exams will be warned for the first time and if the practice continues, he or she will be automatically dismissed from the School at the end of present academic year.
16. Private Tuition :
1. If a parent desires to arrange private tuition by any teacher of the school, he must get the written permission of the Principal.
2. No pupil may take tuition from a teacher of the school outside school premises.
3. No tuition would be allowed after January.
17. House System : Objectives :
To promote competition and healthy rivalry among students in all the activities of the school and to foster such qualities of loyalty and leadership, the house systems is implemented. The winning house will hoist their flag on Wednesday of the week.
18. Transfer Certificate :
Those who wish to apply for T.C. must give it in writing three days in advance before you can procure. Once, T.Cs are given or forced to take for matters of indiscipline, will not be taken back at any point of time except in the case of genuine transfers with proofs and other details. This is an important policy of the school.
19. Points for various Competitions :
First – 05 Points
Second – 03 Points
Third – 01 Points
Excellence in studies will be rewarded by allotment of points to the house system.
According To Grades
Grade / Rank holder – 10 Points
Failures – -05 Points
20. Parent – Teacher Association :
Parents are requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
All the parents and teachers of the school are members of this association. The aims of the association being :
1. To make the parents involve themselves actively in the various activities of the school.
2. To bring about better understanding of the situation, a core group of parents will be set up to help the school management.
3. To acquaint the parents with modern methods of education, Seminars and Cultural Programmes are given so as to enable them to co-operate with the teachers in moulding the total personality of the children.
Meetings will be held occasionally. Parent’s attendance at these meetings is solicited.
4. PTA executive members are formed by school authorities and PTA. They form as advisory committee members to help the school authorities to function properly and smoothly.
5. Suggestions and proposals by executive members are not final decisions until and unless succeeded by Sdb Board Committee’s affirmation and approval.